

The electronic processing of the scientific publications of the

Timber Research Institute


was prepared by the

Innovation Association of Forestry and Wood Industry


in 2010-12.


We used the following image for the title page:

The roof structure of the Harkányi swimming pool and spa, which existed between

1975 and 2013.

The wooden structure was made by FaKI using acacia wood.

The photographer of the photograph is unknown.

The picture was taken from the flyer of AGROKOMPLEX Agárd.


Reworked into the content, we incorporated:

FaKI materials from the "Free Web Portal on Environment, Forestry and Wood Science" project, identification number HUSK/1001/2.5.2/0025, realized within the framework of the Hungary-Slovakia 2007-2013 Cross-Border Cooperation Program. This content concerns the volumes of „Faipari Kutatások” from 1961 to 1976.


The entire electronic file on behalf of ERFATÁRS

Tamás Jakab Apostol

revised and modernized with his volunteer work in 2019-2020.


We express our special thanks

Dr. Győző Szabadhegyi

h. university associate professor

for his versatile help and support!



We reserve the rights to this electronic version!

© 2020 Innovation Association of Forestry and Wood Industry.

* ERFATARS ; H - 2013 Pomáz, Hunyadi János u. 5.

   www.innofa.hu; info@innofa.hu