
Wood Industry Research Institute


Research Reports

1951 – 1996


The Wood Industry Research Institute [FaKI) documented the work carried out at the Institute in "Reports".

These documents are usually made in five copies, in exceptional cases in more copies.

The form of the "Report" could be: Report, Partial Report, Final Report, in exceptional cases Plan Documentation (independently or attached as an attachment).

The description of the task was documented in the Methodological plan.

The completion of the works was reported to the main authority in a "Summary Report" or a "Summary Final Report".

Special mention should be made of the work done in international relations. These were coordinated and carried out through a standing committee [Standing Committee on Wood Processing (FÁM)] set up within the organization of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance [KGST].

In the 1950s, the decimal division was not typically used for the marking of topics, and then at the end of the 1960s, the decimal marking system was changed.

In this library, we tried to standardize the marking system of individual documents (while preserving their content).

The zeros before the digits in the marking number lines only serve to unify the system.

The date of completion of the document has been connected to the marking number lines with a hyphen.

If any data of the date is unknown, we replaced it with zeros.

Due to technical handling, oversized pages (larger than A3 format) are attached separately - with the note "Large Attachment (NM)" referring to the original document.

The authors of this work did everything possible to preserve as complete a picture as possible of the activities of FaKI's colleagues helping our profession.

Unfortunately, we can be sure that some of the materials have gone stale.

We ask all those who have additional documents (or a better quality copy than the digitized one) to contact our Association!