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1965 year 2.


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Tomek. Antalné ; Bártfai, Judit

The moderation of the hygroscopicity of the chipboards, trough the subsequent chemical treatment of the sized components and trough the heat treatment of the utilized eaw material.

in Hungarian
Dr. Ruska László

The fundamental principles of the parameter measuring and automatic parameter regulation of the drying plants in the wood working industry, with especial regard to the electrical measuring and regulation systems

Zombori, János

Subsequent researches on the processing of the hardwood fram-saw chippings in the chipboard production (2nd publication)

Dr. Petri, László ; Tomek, Antalné ; Molnár, Tiborné

The elaboration of the production technique of the laminated cage guide bars

Zombori, János ; Appel, Róbertné ; Szalkai, Róbert

Investigations of hardboards, treated with oily paraffin

Fürjes, János ; Vámos, Róbert ; Harsányi, István

Investigations of the mechanization of the debarking of the peeling logs

Dr. Szabó, Károly ; Dr. Tusa, Gábor ; Dr. Lackó, István

The technical grounds of the production costs in the saw-mill and board industry