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1962 year 1.


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Lázár, László

Utilization of Branch Timber for the Manufacture of Particle Boards

in Hungarian
Lázár, László

Brand nation of the Use of Shavings for Insulating Boards

Lázár, László ; Hadnagy, József

Studies on Particle Shape Formation with Particles of Poplar, Beech and Oak Wood Raw Material

Gippert, László

Technological Investigations of Optimal Conditions of Production in Steaming Chambers of Sawmills

Bobok, László

Optimal Saw Blade Types

Kolosváry, Gábor

Determination of the Dielectric Properties of Hungarian Timber Species and Wood Glues

Lázár, László ; Zombori, János

Experiments to Produce Boards from Sunflower Seedcoats